Did You Know

April, 2022

  1. Did you know that last year Supreme Temple published the first Nile Nourishment – Membership Ideas With All the Fixings?  Included are sections on Recruitment, Retention and Reinstatement, along with Mentoring and sample publications from many temples. A stuffed full notebook with many ideas and samples; an incredible resource for all members. Nydia Temple has one copy and anyone can download and print from the Supreme website www.daughtersofthenile.com, under Member Resources, Membership.
  2. Did you know at Supreme Session each year, all the temples donating over $10,000 to the Foundation are invited to the “Foundation Club” reception?  This club was formed in 2016, and since its inception, Nydia Temple has been on the invitation list. Unfortunately, Supreme Session was not held in person for two years, but at the upcoming Foundation Club Reception, those temples qualified to attend during those two years will be included in the reception, including Nydia Temple.  It is promising to be a wonderful, and perhaps crowded reception this year in Dallas.
  3. Did you know that Shriners Children’s has designated the month of October as its official month of giving? Yes, starting this year on its 100th anniversary, and continuing in October of each year.  The campaign will be known as “31 Days to Amaze”, with promotions starting in April-May of each year.

Reported by PQ Kathy Walliker.